
5th annual Nenan Youth & Elders Gathering at Bear Flats

By Kathy Smith

Bear Flats near Charlie Lake was the location for this year’s Youth and Elders Gathering hosted by Nenan Dane zaa Deh Zona Children and Family Services Society.  Approximately 350 attended the event held July 12th to 14th.
The gathering is part of the society’s cultural programming for First Nation and Metis children, youth and families in northeastern B.C.  Highlights included cultural teachings, ceremonies with drumming and dancing, educational opportunities, and performing arts workshops.
Nenan believes the transmission of culture, traditional practices, and language is vital to children and youth so that teachings can be passed on to future generations.  The society’s goal is to strengthen connections between youth and elders within Treaty 8, and to instil pride in all participants.  River of Unity Coordinator, Taryn Danford, says, “The biggest highlight was communities all across Treaty 8 coming together in a culturally grounded safe environment.  Youth and elders connected with each other and shared knowledge.  They reconnected with the land, their families, and their communities.”
120 participated the first year the event took place.  The growing number of attendees each year is indicative of the value the gathering has for those Nenan represents, and for the people who come.



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