
Primary health and acute care needs of region outlined by council

Minutes of a Regional Council Meeting May 13th, 2013
Detachment Report
Staff Sergeant Tom Roy presented the April 2013 RCMP detachment report to Council. The RCMP received 316 calls for service in April 2013, down from 384 calls in April 2012. Mayor Bill Streeper inquired if there was a reason for the lower call volume to date in 2013. Roy suggested that the lower industrial activity in the area has meant that Fort Nelson is less busy, even for criminals.
Addressing Primary Care and Acute Care Needs in the Northern Rockies, Economic Development and Tourism Officer Jaylene Arnold provided a brief overview on the Primary Care Home report which had been provided to Regional Council. A brief discussion ensued regarding the assumptions and objectives outlined in the report.
Regional Councillor Laurie Dolan supported the need for the municipality to take a leadership role in remedying the acute and primary care issues in the region.  A discussion was had regarding the involvement of the private sector to build/operate any future facility. It was moved and carried that the following assumptions and objectives be approved and supported:
1) Healthcare is a fundamental service required by residents, visitors, and non-resident industry-sector employees. It is also a fundamental amenity considered by new residents in their selection of prospective communities for relocation.
2) The lack of maternity services and disruptions to emergency acute care services experienced in Fort Nelson are sub-standard and inadequate in today’s society.
3) Recruiting and retaining physicians to Fort Nelson is a shared responsibility of the Health Authority, resident physicians, and the community.
4) The approach to physician recruitment and communication around healthcare generally is uncoordinated between stake holders (NRRM, Airport Way Clinic, Northern Health etc).
i) The Northern Rockies must take a leadership role in remedying the acute and primary care issues in our region.
5) A cultural shift in physicians trained in the last five years and moving forward is such that work-life balance is paramount. Standardised work schedules, minimal time on-call, and an ability to practice without managing a practice are preferences for today’s physicians. Income and/or other financial incentives are not enough alone to attract physicians to a community.
6) A robust primary healthcare system that proactively addresses patients’ needs serves to relieve a heavy reliance on acute (emergency) care services by improving the general health of the population and managing conditions in a coordinated way. A functional primary care model improves the sustainability of healthcare overall.
1. Improve the level of acute and primary care available to the Northern Rockies community.
(a) Increase number of physicians with specialties to retain maternity services.
(b) Implement the Primary Care Home model to co-locate primary health care services to provide for multi disciplinary care.
(c) Address emergency medical transportation issues to ensure timely response and access to critical care facilities when required.
• It was moved and carried that the Northern Rockies Regional Municipality Tax Rates Bylaw No. 90, 2013 be adopted.
• Public Works Government Services Canada Airport Lease Renewal was renewed for a further five years for the property 90 square metres of warehouse space in the amount of $6,406.20 annually, and for 1.13 hectares of a fenced compound yard in the amount of $9,944 annually.
Airport to get its own website
Airport Business Manager Eric Desnoyer confirmed that an $8,000 grant would fund part of the website/marketing project. Regional  Councillor Danny Soles inquired about whether the website would generate any revenue. Desnoyer confirmed that advertising space on the website would be sold to help to recoup some of the cost of the project. Mayor Bill Streeper asked about the services that would be offered by the website. Desnoyer said that the website would be a tool for passengers and the local industry; but also a portal for aviation businesses to gain information about the opportunities offered at the NRRA. Only six other comparable (Tier Two) airports across Canada do not have websites.
Mayor Bill Streeper raised a concern about the Airport developing its land for industrial purposes, especially when there is land available for development in the South Industrial Development. Desnoyer said any planned development at the NRRA will adhere to the existing Land Use Policy, which requires that the land be used for businesses involved with aviation industry. It was moved and carried that the Northern Rockies Regional Airport Website and E-Marketing project be awarded to Rhubarb Media Inc. for the amount of $24,000. Mayor Bill Streeper was opposed to the motion.
Fish pond approved
Email Poll – Demo Forest Fishing Pond – it was ratified that funding in the amount of $2,000 be provided to complete the test pit investigation at the proposed fish pond site in the Demonstration Forest.  Councillor Eglinski opposed the motion.
Possible investor in forestry
Regional Councillor Eglinski inquired about a letter sent from Tsinghua Redbud Holding Ltd to Fort Nelson Forest District Manager Steve Lindsey regarding investing in the local forest economy.
A discussion was had about the letter and the involvement of the municipality. Stevenson confirmed that municipal staff had assisted with the drafting of the letter. Regional  Councillor Danny Soles asked if any response had been received from the Province on the Municipality’s earlier letter regarding Canfor’s forest licences. DCDP informed Council that no response had been received, but that the Provincial election may have stalled the Ministry’s internal processes.
Regional Councillor Doug McKee passed along a concern he had heard from a local gym owner about the potential for the Municipality to open a gym facility in the proposed expansion of the Recreation Centre.
Mayor Streeper noted that space had been allocated for fitness facilities in the expansion, but no equipment had been purchased. A discussion was had about the potential operation of a fitness facility, and whether it should be operated publicly or privately. Chief Administrative Officer Randy McLean noted that there were many options for the operation of the facility that Council could consider, including seeking proposals. Regional Councillor McKee suggested that the Municipality should not compete with private businesses. Mayor Bill Streeper asked that the concerned gym owner be invited to meet with the Mayor to discuss the matter.
Mrs Vandersteen, on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce, thanked the recreation centre staff for going above and beyond in assisting with the Trade Show.
The following resolutions were raised and reported from the May 13th, 2013 In Camera Regional Council Meeting:
That the working committee for the Northern Rockies Primary Care Home explore and make recommendations for Council’s consideration on the form of an “entity”, acting as the governing body (society, not-for-profit, social enterprise, or Committee-of-Council) to oversee the operations of the Northern Rockies Primary Care Home.
And further that the NRRM renew efforts that Northern Health fund the capital investment, design and construction of the Northern Rockies Primary Care Home.
That a budget of $7,500, from hospital district surplus, be approved for medium-term accommodations for Dr. Chris Fourie during his upcoming locum in Fort Nelson.



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