
Simply Bread – open daily and caters

By Kathy Smith
Before opening Simply Bread just a month ago, Denise Ryser sold homemade baked goods at the farmers’ market in Grande Prairie.  She even turned her basement into a bakery to fulfill her life-long passion.  When she and her husband became empty nesters, and he began working in Fort Nelson, she decided to open the bakery.  For several years Fort Nelson residents have expressed how nice it would be to have a real homespun bakery in town.  Ryser purchased extra equipment to ensure she could meet the needs of her customers on a daily basis, and says “I love the public – I really love people, so this is a great opportunity.  The farmers’ market was once a week, but this is everyday which is awesome.”
After completing renovations to open, she got to work cooking, baking, and preparing lunch items.  “All my soups are homemade here, and come with a fresh baked biscuit.  My helper Cassidy told me about a soup she would like, so I made a beef/tomato/rice soup recently.  Nothing comes from a box – it’s all recipes that I put together from what sounds good and yummy.  I want to do something other than the usual; something you don’t get every day,” says Ryser.
Simply Bread currently offers four sandwiches; beef and cheddar, ham and swiss, chicken and parmesan, and she just created a chicken with a figgy cheese sandwich.  The reaction is, “It’s really yummy!” She has lots of fresh vegetables on hand to provide many ingredient options.  “We have begun offering salads, and of course we always have an array of delicious home-made baked goods,” says Ryser.
“Just come in and order what you want – have a seat and we’ll serve you – you can stay as long as you want or take it to go if you like.  What we’re hoping for, is that people will feel comfortable and relaxed when they come in – not rushed or hurried.”
Ryser enjoys catering, and she would like the opportunity to do more.  “I enjoy being as creative as my customers would like me to be.  The menu can be as varied as the people are, and food can be as creative as you want it to be, just like art.”
Ryser went on to describe a marinated stuffed roast pork she once made for a Christmas dinner she catered, that was a huge hit.
Simply Bread is open from 8:00am to 5:30pm Monday to Friday.  “I started at a really young age in the kitchen and just loved it – it’s always been my thing.  I’ve done several other things too, but this is just one of those things that keeps calling me back.  I am very grateful to the people who are coming through.” Ryser is excited about getting her espresso machine running, the possibility of adding more seating, and getting creative with more catering work.



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