
Report on industrial camps key topic for Northern Health Board meeting

The Northern Health Board of Directors met for its latest regular meeting in Prince George.
The meeting included a planning session with regional hospital district representatives from around the north, and a lengthy discussion on an initial report assessing industrial camps in the north.
The northern B.C. economy has a high level of industrial camp activity, and this topic is an area of concern and discussion for all municipalities.
Over the past four years, Northern Health has conducted two surveys regarding economic development in the North to assist in planning for potential population changes that could impact health care service needs within service delivery areas. This most recent report on industrial camps expands on this previous work. Dr. Ronald Chapman, Chief Medical Health Officer for Northern Health, introduced the report to the Board.
“We know there is a transient work force in the north,” said Dr. Chapman. “We don’t know the complexity of their health challenges, where they might access services, and what services we may need to provide in the north for that group; and that’s work we need to do.”
The background paper attached contains a wealth of information that gives Northern Health an excellent overview of the extent of industrial camp activity.
The study raises many questions that will require further research, including a better understanding of the impact of industrial camp activity on current health services. “Industrial camps are a topic of discussion wherever we go and whenever we meet with municipal leaders and business,” said Dr. Charles Jago, Northern Health Board Chair. “This initial information stresses the importance NH places on the issue and our commitment to understand the scope of the challenge communities might be facing.” Additional work is being undertaken and Northern Health is committed to working to fully understand the challenges that are faced by northern communities.
“We have made a commitment to a process of understanding the situation first, and providing sustainable solutions that make sense next.” said Cathy Ulrich, CEO of Northern Health.
“The challenge will be measuring the impact and providing recommendations and solutions to support communities in meeting the health needs of this work force.”

